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We Asked, You Answered: What Do You Feel Thankful for, Even in Difficult Times?

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we wanted to know what you feel thankful for, even when you're having a tough time. Here are some of the responses we received on social media.


Thanksgiving When You Don’t Feel Thankful: Reclaiming Tradition After a Suicide Loss

We each confront grief in distinctive ways, and we should: for we are not all alike. If we listen sympathetically to our own thoughts, we may well find the way that we, as individuals, will make it through these difficult, different days.

By Nancy McGlasson

10 maneras de apoyar a un ser querido que ha perdido a alguien por suicidio

Le recomendamos 10 formas de apoyar a un ser querido que ha perdido a alguien por suicidio.


Several clips of walkers at AFSP's Out of the Darkness Campus Walk events background video

Walk to fight suicide

Walkers like us make a difference. Together we can change the conversation about mental health and put a stop to this tragic loss of life.

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Sufriendo una pérdida por suicidio: Ocho cosas que sé con certeza

Si estás leyendo esto, puede que seas alguien que ha tenido que prepararse para los cambios repentinos e inesperados que se han producido en tu vida a raíz del suicidio de un ser querido. Es posible que no sepas por dónde empezar si estás experimentando todas las emociones relacionadas con el duelo por suicidio.

By Doreen Marshall, Ph.D., AFSP Vice President of Mission Engagement

Ad Council Announces $65 Million Multi-Year Mental Health Initiative

Study Released Today Finds Half of Americans Cite Having a Mental Health Condition and Only About Half are Getting Help or Treatment. New effort will unite leading brands, marketers, media companies and non-profits to address unprecedented U.S. mental health crisis.


Losing Multiple Family Members to Suicide: Eight Concepts That Have Helped Me Heal

Over the years, I have come to understand certain things that have been helpful in my own personal journey of healing. I share them in hopes of helping others who have lost someone they care about to this leading cause of death.

By Heidi Bogers

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